
Saturday 8th November 2025

Chiddingfold Bonfire In The News

18 November 2021

Thank you all for attending an outstanding Bonfire in 2021. Yet again, we hit caught the attention of many media outlets and we had many visitors from all over the world including a huge London Presence. Here are a few links that helped us put on a great show: Daily Express - about half way down the page MyLondon’s special artictle on our event VisitSurrey’s previes of our event EssentialSurrey’s preview And here’s what everyone came to see

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Chid Pitfire @ the Winterton

18 October 2020

Our Friends over at The Winterton Arms are having an outdoor covid secure Pitfire feast, we recommend you join them! View full screen here

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We will see you in November 2021

7 September 2020

It is with a heavy heart that the Chiddingfold Bonfire committee have decided to cancel our 2020 Bonfire Night event and so the next Chiddingfold Bonfire will now be on: Saturday 6th November 2021 Our plans for this year’s event had been to make this an extra special Bonfire Night because the records in our archive indicated that November 2020 would be the 180th year of the Chiddingfold Bonfire. Once the true impact of the pandemic became clear we realized we would need to take all possible precautions about the staging of this year’s event but remained hopeful it would be able to go ahead. In late July our hopes were raised as the Government indicated some initial public outdoor test events would be staged with a view to this leading to more such events, including ones such as our annual November celebration, being able to take place. However, those test events were pushed back and so we felt we needed to make an early decision about the 2020 Bonfire, with the health and well-being of our wonderful village community and all those who visit us for the event central to our thoughts. It became clear to us that to stage our event this year would represent too much of a risk and so we felt the only decision we could take was to let you all know that our 180th Bonfire Night will now be in November 2021. We are sorry for the disappointment this will bring to all those, young and old, who enjoy it each November and who show their support by way of the money spent on the night and donated through our collecting buckets. As many of you will know, the money collected in those buckets is turned in to vouchers that we then deliver to every village resident over the age of 70 which they can then spend in the various shops and businesses in the village. Last year we were delighted to be able to make each voucher worth £45 and we know many recipients look forward to receiving and spending them in the run up to Christmas, and we in turn are pleased that the spending of those vouchers benefits our local business owners. We have decided, therefore, that even though our next Bonfire night celebration will now be in November 2021 we will still distribute a voucher to all our usual recipients this year. The amount will be lower than last year, but we felt it was important to keep up this long-held tradition and to still make a distribution to everyone. Update: Thank you to all those who have asked how they might donate. Please get in touch via our contact page if you want to help out with our charitable village activities in person or financially. Finally, our team will be keeping busy this autumn by continuing to meet up each Saturday in the 6 weeks before Bonfire Night but instead of building the bonfire we will instead be doing a range of projects to help around the village. Plans already include work to improve some of the outdoor areas at the village primary school, plus working with helpers at both St Mary’s Church and St Theresa Church to help with some work to their grounds. All new volunteers are always welcome so please do get in touch via our website or Facebook page if you would like to get involved. In closing we would like to thank all of you in our wonderful village and those who have visited us every November to support the Chiddingfold Bonfire over so many years, and to assure you that our Bonfire and Fireworks will be back for everyone to enjoy in 2021. Please continue to stay safe and look out for each other. Best wishes. Simon Manuel Chairman, Chiddingfold Bonfire

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Helping Hands

22 April 2020

Fresh food deliveries in Chiddingfold during the coronavirus lock-down. We are helping Farncombe Fresh Food Wholesalers aka to provide fresh fruit and veg box deliveries to Chiddingfold. Order deadline Noon on Monday collect the following Wednesday drive-through at the Catholic Church on Woodside Road. No delivery charge! PLEASE: bring a box or a shopping bag, so if we run out of boxes your produce can be transferred into it. Leave it in the boot of your car. Thank you! Here are the details - also on Facebook Chiddingfold Community Page. If you cannot collect, let us know on Facebook or the NextDoor App; we will aim to find a way to help you out! Fresh fruit and vegetable boxes to Chiddingfold residents. Contact 3FW to place your order on their site. The online form is available between 9am & 3pm each day. Pay on line direct with 3FW. No delivery charge! The orders will be collated and dispatched to the village on Wednesday. No Contact collection from St.Teresa’s Church on Woodside Road - please stay in your car. Starting at 12 noon., members of the Chiddingfold Bonfire Helping Hands Crew will be waiting and help with your drive-through collection service. Orders have a number allocated by 3FW. Your pick up slot time will normally be 12 noon plus your number: if your number is 15, then please aim to collect at 1215. Please bring a bag or a box and leave it in the boot of your car. If you are unable to pick up, we can arrange to deliver. Please bear in mind we are all volunteers so this really must be to those who are isolated and can’t travel. Normally, 3FW supply local pubs and restaurants, but of course, they are all closed at the moment. Instead, residents can order fresh fruit and veg boxes directly from Because we are combining orders, there is no delivery charge. 3FW are villagers and have taken on additional staff to support us, so let’s support them. Phone and get your orders in!

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2019 FAQs

6 October 2019

The day is nearly here, so we’ve written up some FAQs that can help you out! When is Chiddingfold Bonfire this year? This year it’s the 2nd of November 2019, the closest weekend to the 5th of November. And yes it will still be on if its a bit drizzly! How much are tickets? There are no tickets to attend, just rock up and enjoy! There will be folk with donation buckets so please donate if you enjoy the event! There are tickets for the Grand Draw though. What time is the procession? 6:30 pm Torches go on sale at St Mary’s School. 7:00 pm Procession of 400 torches departs St Mary’s School. Make sure you get yours before then! See the main page for a full run-down of the night. What time does the bonfire get lit? Approximately 7:15, grab yourself some mulled wine or a burger and enjoy it! What types of parking are available? Check out our parking page for details, including an application form for a disabled parking permit. How do I get involved? Use our contact form to let us know who you are. We always need helpers to organise the event and to help on the days. Perks are provided at all times! Can I get a stall this year? Unfortunately stalls have to be requested before July, contact us for next year though, we’d love to have you involved!

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Tripod is up!

29 September 2019

As you will of noticed the tripod is now up and the greenery has arrived! This Saturday 21st, the hard work of building the bonfire begins, and if you could spare a few hours on Saturday morning please meet us on the Village Green at 8.30am. There will be the usual tea and coffee provided, but to help minimise our environment waste please could you bring a cup or mug for your drink. Thank you. We look forward to seeing our regular bonfire builders and welcome any new helpers!

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Help Us Make The Bonfire!

22 May 2019

Those of you passing through the village recently might have noticed that the Bonfire tripod has made its annual appearance on the Green. The Helpers are back in action, once again, building the bonfire for the annual Chiddingfold Bonfire night. It’s starting to take shape already, but we could do with some more willing helpers on the green on Saturday mornings to help build it. It’s great fun and we even provide you with bacon butties, cake and coffee.

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Your Bonfire 2019

21 May 2018

28 July - Final Application for Stalls considered21 September – Tripod goes up 28 September – 9am on Green – building bonfire – all welcome 5 October – No Dumping of any more waste on the green (except Saturday mornings for the team who are constructing the bonfire) 12 October – 9am on Green – building bonfire – all welcome 19 October – 9am on Green – building bonfire – all welcome 26 October – 9am on Green – building bonfire – all welcome 31 October – Thursday – 8pm Marshals briefing in the Half Crown 2 November – Bonfire Night 3 November – 8am Tidying the Green – Please, please, please come and help Road Closures, Diversions, Shuttle Bus and Events programme 2:00pm Final requests for disabled parking. New requests cannot be taken. 3:00pm South side of Village Green (by the Spar and the Chemist) road closes. The bus slip road closes. 5:00pm Stalls open for business. 5:00pm Shuttle Buses start operating. Please note that once the car parks are full we have no further availability. 5:30pm A283 Petworth Road from the junction with Woodside Road to the Crown closes, traffic diverted along Coxcombe Lane 5:30pm North side of the Village Green from Petworth Road to Pockford Road closes, traffic diverted via Pockford Road / Skinner’s Lane 6:30pm Torches go on sale at St Mary’s School. 7:00pm Procession of 400 torches departs St Mary’s School. 7:30pm (approx) Bonfire set alight. 8:00pm (approx) Fireworks 9.30pm (approx) Last shuttle bus back to car parks 10:00pm (approx) Roads re-open. It is NOT possible to let cars through into the closed area after the road blocks are in place and cars should not park in these areas. The only exceptions are for disabled access provided Simon Manuel or Ian Travis have been informed beforehand.

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Let's Get In Touch!

See our socials on Twitter and Facebook or use the contact form to send us a message and we will get back to you! We also have a PayPal donation page for those who want to support the bonfire and the village.